Enlightened Anarchy

Life is an adventure of exploration and discovery. Every living thing is bourn into an unknown world, and immediately starts learning about its surroundings. First it is alone, then it finds those close to him in the nearby environment, and so on, always inducing about their nature, and wondering whether it can trust them or not. This is the start of what evolves into every form of friendship, rivalry, alliance, and distrust. Networks grow larger and ever more complex, but the being always faces all these challenges from its own individual perspective. As the outside is cast with the light of knowledge, the fear of darkness fades, and vaster and more distinct lands are uncovered day after day, its new understanding of the universe leads it to form society where before there was an enemy, peace where there was war. It takes time, and the darkest events occur before light finally seeps in on every side. As always, knowledge in its purest and most transparent form defines its approach towards reality. Take humans as an example. They have slowly tied all lose ends together, and have finally networked their entire population on their planet, or at least a very large ratio of it. Access to instant information about every land makes them relatively aware of their fellow travellers, past and present, distant and near. For this reason they have expanded their networks into very large districts called nations, accepting their differences and looking forward to living together happily ever after. This, for the time being, is obviously a lie, to others and themselves, as they have not yet confronted the challenge of forming ideas on their own, but accept social pressure into some carefully crafted view of progress and so called civilization. This, however, is to be expected from beings that are exposed every day to a large set of data, that has to be elaborated and pieced together by every one of them on their own. The process of acquiring a global sense of existence takes time, and never ends. It is natural, and inevitable, like drops of ink that fall into a glass of water: every being will face one another, first the familiar, similar, near, and like-minded, then the strangers, the different, the distant, and their new ideas. They will slowly become smart, independent, strong, and complete. They will build their own future, and form their own ideas. They will finally be truly alive, once they stare into the face of the universe, see the true nature of things, and know who they really are. Living together with all the creatures of the universe will be a long sought-after achievement. Anarchy is not a fight, it is the natural progression of things. It is not to be afraid of, it is to be found out there on your own, and eventually all together. It is not an organizational structure, it is the absence of one, and of the very idea of one, just like centrifugal force is really just the absence of an action, an intervention, an intrusion, like centripetal force. Light is not to be shined upon those that live in the dark; they are to be led to it and see it on their own, if anything. In the end, as always, Lucretius’s idea is always right:

“Suave, mari magno turbantibus aequora ventis,
e terra magnum alterius spectare laborem;
non quia vexari quemquamst jucunda voluptas,
sed quibus ipse malis careas quia cernere suavest.”